
Ich bin Janine Duarte, angehende Lederfachfrau

I'm Janine Duarte, aspiring leather specialist

There are only a few people in Switzerland who are training to become leather specialists and we hope that this special craft does not die out.

I'm Janine Duarte, aspiring leather specialist

There are only a few people in Switzerland who are training to become leather specialists and we hope that this special craft does not die out.

Rolf Sommer ist Botschafter für KoKoTé

Rolf Sommer is an ambassador for KoKoTé

Like us, the actor and director Rolf Sommer is firmly rooted in Uri, his home canton.

Rolf Sommer is an ambassador for KoKoTé

Like us, the actor and director Rolf Sommer is firmly rooted in Uri, his home canton.

Ich bin Achinedu Enebeli, Näherin bei KoKoTé

I am Achinedu Enebeli, a seamstress at KoKoTé

It makes me proud that I can use my skills to contribute to something important that is meaningful for other people.

I am Achinedu Enebeli, a seamstress at KoKoTé

It makes me proud that I can use my skills to contribute to something important that is meaningful for other people.

Ich bin Beatriz Silva, Textilpraktikerin EBA

I am Beatriz Silva, aspiring textile practition...

Maybe you don't know what a poshti is. I didn't know it either when I started a job as a seamstress at KoKoTé. But maybe you've figured out that it...

I am Beatriz Silva, aspiring textile practition...

Maybe you don't know what a poshti is. I didn't know it either when I started a job as a seamstress at KoKoTé. But maybe you've figured out that it...

KoKoTé lanciert Globi-Kindertaschen

KoKoTé launches Globi children's bags

The Globi children's bags are now available in the online shop and in our stores.

KoKoTé launches Globi children's bags

The Globi children's bags are now available in the online shop and in our stores.

Ich bin Javad Hosseini, Textilpraktiker EBA

I am Javad Hosseini, textile practitioner EBA

Well, we share the satisfaction when things go right and the final product has the high quality craftsmanship that we strive for at KoKoTé.

I am Javad Hosseini, textile practitioner EBA

Well, we share the satisfaction when things go right and the final product has the high quality craftsmanship that we strive for at KoKoTé.