Do you have used material in your company that needs to be disposed of to free up space? Have you ever thought about using it to make new products - for example, great unique items for your employees or customers? We make stylish bags and accessories from your waste material - especially textile materials or tarpaulins.

As one of the few manufacturers in Switzerland, we at KoKoTé create new products for companies from used materials. What exactly is Upcycling?

Upcycling involves making something new and useful again from waste products or otherwise useless materials, thereby increasing their value. This reduces the consumption of new raw materials, which are becoming increasingly scarce. Upcycling is therefore becoming increasingly important in today's world. In contrast to recycling, upcycling uses less energy, as the processes involved usually only involve cleaning and assembling/dismantling parts. Upcycling is much more common in developing countries, because there, due to a lack of money, people have had to treat existing materials with care for a long time. Now upcycling is also becoming increasingly popular in our latitudes, but is still in its infancy in terms of supply chains, networking and mass production.

Waste product becomes raw material

Sheets or other textile materials are particularly suitable for upcycling.

Upcycling involves making something new and useful again from waste products or otherwise useless materials, thus increasing the value. This reduces the consumption of new raw materials, which are becoming increasingly scarce.

Upcycling expertise

KoKoTé is your professional partner when it comes to upcycling.

At KoKoTé we have been dealing with the topic of upcycling for some time and have built up expertise. We have now implemented upcycling projects for several customers. This resulted in unique company products that we developed and designed in close collaboration with the partner companies. The unique items were given away to employees, customers or members. With a product that is manufactured in our factory, you not least support the education and work integration of refugees and especially women who are older than 26 years old.

  • Franz Huber / CEO


    Tel.: 041 872 14 14

  • Lia Lüdi, KoKoTé

    Lia Lüdi / Business Development


    Tel.: 041 872 14 14

Contact us

Khaled Bouharrour (Business Development): , +41 79 311 29 70
Silvio Cathomen (Head of Administration): , +41 41 872 14 14
Franz Huber (GL): , +41 79 340 68 44

KoKoTé Manufactory
Ried 2b
6467 Schattdorf , Tel.: +41 41 872 14 14

Shop Zurich: Stüssihofstatt 11, 8001 Zurich

Manufactory shop Schattdorf: Ried 2b, 6467 Schattdorf